Hens not laying

My 10 hens, 3 of which were laying when I got them at Easter, are now giving me 1 egg every 6 days. I live in South Central Texas a little north of San Antonio where we still have at least 11 hours of daylight and the temps have only dipped into the high 40's one night so far this fall. They molted back in August. My babies turned 24 weeks this past Monday and are Amerecuna's, Buff Orphs and 1 Barred Rock. The big girls are 1 Amerecuna, 1 Minorca (who hasn't given an egg since August), 1 Cochin & 1 Rhode Island Red. I keep telling hubby that "Soon" we will be overrun with eggs. But When???? I'm thinking that I got them too late in the year, and am just not going to get any eggs from the "babies" till next spring!
I had been letting them out every afternoon then decided then needed more free range time so started letting them out all day. I was still getting 2 eggs every other day (in the hen house), but then that stopped. So I went back to letting them out in the afternoons when I get home from work till sundown. Got 1 egg last Saturday, which was the first one all last week. I have also been giving them all day Sundays out. Thinking they may be laying in the brush, I've been Easter Egg Hunting every where I see them go, but I've found no eggs or evidence that any have been laid. So, besides setting up a light, any suggestions?
I have gotten hens in Oct that were laying and it took them 2 months to lay. I think some are more bothered by the move than others.

Also the shorter days don't help. You could try putting a light in the coop to come on in the morning to give them more daylight.

So they will still go to bed at dusk best to add light in the morning. Or just wait and give them a break which is what I do.

I know its hard to wait but they will lay again.
I'm very new at this and I guess my chickens are moulting because there are feathers everywhere. The Hen Who Must Be Obeyed...Camilla, is about 4 yrs old and all the pullets are not quite 4 months old, so I guess this is normal for their age and time of year? Should I really add dry cat food or other protein to their food or switch from Grow Mash to something else.
Sign me perplexed.

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