Hens or Roos? Picture heavy!


9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
I posted a few weeks back for guesses, but I'm checking back again now that they are 11 weeks old. I'm pretty sure 4 of my 6 are hens, but I'm still on the fence with 2. Can you please take a guess?

Freckles is a Cuckoo Marans... developed the comb early but it is growing slowly. No signs of spurs. I heard combs develop early on the CM, so I'm hoping she stays a she, what do you think?







Honey is an Ameraucana - yells at us when we pick her up, but love her different sounding chattering. I am thinking hen...




Pretty sure Misty (Delaware) is a hen


Sandy (or Shelley, sometimes I can't tell by the pic, but one keeps the feathers on the feet and the other plucks them out so I can tell them apart) - both Light Brahmas, somewhat bossy at least towards each other, but I think they are hens





Shadow is a Black Australorp... hoping she's a she and not a he... ??? No signs of spurs...



This is another shot of Shadow and Honey...

Thanks for taking the time to look at my photos and take a guess or two at the genders.
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All pullets except the Cuckoo Marans. Color and comb color/size give it away.

Also, your pretty brown/black girl is an Easter Egger, not an Ameraucana
She's got the wrong coloration and green legs.
Also, is Honey an Ameraucana or an Easter Egger? I read Ameraucanas don't have green legs, and her legs are very green. They sold her as an Ameraucana.
Read my last post.

She's an Easter Egger. Ameraucanas shouldn't have green legs, are not very easy to obtain, and don't come in that color. Still, Honey should be able to lay green or blue eggs for you.
Sorry Illia - I missed the 2nd line of your post. Thank you for clarifying!

You think Shadow isn't a black Australorp but an EE? Why do you say that?
Freckles is a roo.
Others are hens, and yes, she's an ee, aka hatchery quailty Ameraucana.
I'm really not sure on the last one, Shadow. To me it looks like a younger roo. No saddle feathers yet, but I think I'm seeing hackle feathers. It looks leggy and just not like an Australorp to me. I just can't say with surety on that one.
Difference between hatchery quality and simply not the same breed, donrae.

The Australorp is possibly a black Andalusian, if I'm seeing white earlobes there. .. Are those earlobes white? If they're red, it's an Australorp.

Also the slightly redder comb makes sense for an Andalusian, as they're a breed with very large combs, even for females. She is indeed a girl.
On Shadow, the earlobes are white, and she does have one white wing feather tucked up under there...

I can't believe how much I have learned since we picked up these girls 11 weeks ago. I researched breeds based on temperaments and egg production, and felt fortunate that a feed store not too far away had the ones I wanted... although they advertised them as certain breeds... they said the brahmas were buff brahmas and I learned here they are light brahmas.

I'm already thinking about how I can lay my hands on some cochins, silkies and a few other breeds to replace the 1-2 "maybe roosters"... We're only supposed to have 6 in my city, but I'm pretty sure it would be a great idea to get like 10 more just in case 8 might be roos (lol). My husband doesn't read up on stuff like I do, so if I told him it was standard to get more than we "want" to make sure we have all hens he'd probalby think nothing of it... then "oh my... our coop and pen just isn't big enough for the 14 chickens we have... you'll have to build me another...". He'd shoot me. Building our coop and pen took 3 months... we weren't working on it every day, but spent a lot of time on it. Chickens are so addicting though. I love watching them and wish we could have a bunch. Sigh.

Here's our pen and coop for our 6 *girls*...

Here's a picture of my Australorp girl about that age... Being that your black girl is a hatchery quality it is possible it's an Aussie. But you won't know til she starts to lay. Tan egg = Aussie, Jersey Giant or black Rock, etc... White could be Black Leghorn, Black Andalusian, but she isnt really shaped like these last two. Hmm gonna have to watch this thread for a while... Check back in a few months.

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