Hens or roosters?


Jul 30, 2016
So this morning I went out to my coop and couldn't find one of my flock, one I am pretty sure is a rooster. I finally found him, hidden behind the water tub hiding and looking stuck. I pulled him out and realized he is injured and limping a bit but he seems okay. It looks as if he got in a fight with another rooster. I am not sure how many roosters that I have for sure, I hatched 11 of my 12 of my flock from eggs on April 22/23(some were a little late) then I bought one as a chick on May 11. I would just like some opinions on which you think are roosters or hens so I can keep an eye on them and possibly get rid of some of the roosters.
. I'm pretty sure I have atleast 4 roosters, possibly 5 based on behaviors but I'm not positive, I believe the black black one is a rooster, one of the red ones, the red water egger, then my silver laced which is the one that got beat up. Possibly one of my golden ones. But I'm not sure since it's not very aggressive but it is twice the size of the other one that's the same breed. I have noticed that 3 of the ones I believe are roosters have started ganging up on my poor silver laced so he is currently separated. Do you think getting rid of a couple roosters would make them get along or is my silver laced just to much a target?
. I'm pretty sure I have atleast 4 roosters, possibly 5 based on behaviors but I'm not positive, I believe the black black one is a rooster, one of the red ones, the red water egger, then my silver laced which is the one that got beat up. Possibly one of my golden ones. But I'm not sure since it's not very aggressive but it is twice the size of the other one that's the same breed. I have noticed that 3 of the ones I believe are roosters have started ganging up on my poor silver laced so he is currently separated. Do you think getting rid of a couple roosters would make them get along or is my silver laced just to much a target?

Pretty sure you are correct about the number of cockerels but the pics are too tiny to give you an accurate answer. Could you post some larger pics? Also, how many girls do you have? It is recommended to provide at least 10 hens per roo to prevent over-mating.
I have never had a problem with over mating when having multiple Roos, I used to raise bantams and only had 2 or 3 females and about 6 Roos. (They were rescued as chicks along with the mom and kept together free range). Iv never had a problem keeping multiple Roos before but it seems that the current ones I have now, while they get along with eachother fine they are ganging up on my poor silver laced. Currently I have him seperated with 2 hens with the coop sectioned off but I only have one coop right now and due to my new neighbors and there unruly dog that's always tresspassing I can't let them free range during the day. (I do have a fairly larger coop with indoor and outdoor(covered) access as well as an attached fenced in area with a baby pool because I also have ducks) the only problems I am having is with the Roos ganging up on my poor silver laced. I will probably rehome a few Roos because I don't want that many roosters. However, the silver laced is one of my favorites and I would love to keep him if I can get my Easter egger and him to get along fine. He's non agressive and submits to the others or runs away but they keep pecking at him and pulling feathers out

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