Hens stopped laying 2 days after we got rid of our rooster???


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 19, 2011
My hens finally started laying at 8 months old and have been laying for 3 weeks now almost an egg a day. We got rid of the rooster and all of them completely stopped. Have any of you had this happen? If so , how long before they lay again and is there anything I can do?
My hens just stopped laying after I got rid of my rooster!!!
Some of them had been laying for over a year and some had just started.
I got rid of the rooster and everyone stopped.
Did yours start again?
How long did it take?
Ours stopped for a couple days after our rooster and some of the hens were killed by predators. I assume some of that was from the shock since they all witnessed the attack. They have been laying, but sporadically, since. One of my friends told me that if you put your hand on their backs and squeeze and shake a little when they squat, it can help stimulate egg production. I'm not sure if it really works, but worth a try.

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