Hens VS Hovabators


13 Years
Feb 12, 2009
So is anyone else hatching with both right now. I am hatching Porcelain Duccles (mine, offspring of teddizillas) Blue and Black Mottled Duccles (pamperedpoultry eggs). Black Cooper Marans and Blue Marans (crfarm eggs) and last but not least Blue and Black Marans from ohioruss. These are the birds that will be the start of my flock of birds I would like to breed and maybe show eggs to begin with. Here is how everyone is set up:
Tessa is a FBCM she has 4 Porcelain Duccles set 8/14
Ms. Cruella is a Spitzenhauben who has 5 Blue Marans (from crfarm) set 8/15
Hovabator #1 2362N has all the Mottled Duccles, 3 Porcelain Duccles, and Blue Marans from crfarm. set 8/15.
Hovabator #2 is a 1583R with turner it has the rest. Blue and Black Marans from ohioruss and BCM from crfarm. set 8/21
Come join. Should be hatching out the first week of September.

Hopefully I will get the right amount of girls and boys, so come 2012 I will be able to offer beautiful dark eggs from my flock for testing.
Who wants to play?

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