Hens won’t come out

I agree that it is probably the ramp. Maybe add some treads to it close together or make it less stepp by putting something under it.
When we got our new coop the only doors for them were 6ft off the ground. I was worried they would get hurt so I propped a ladder up there so they could climb down. To this day they absolutely love flying out that little door at the top and clucking their butts off the whole way down. We put in a door closer to ground level. They hate the floor door. I guess their all different.
I worry about injuries when it’s up so high. Mine is 4’ off the ground with a smaller version of a pallet for a ladder. I have a couple that are less than graceful. Lol
I do not have an updated picture at the moment. This is the ramp that we had on when the coop was a lot lower to the ground (with the previous flock). We have since raised it and are almost done with the new 25x25 run. Our coop is 8x8. It’s 2ft off the ground. We took them out by hand twice now and had to help one of them find the ramp to get back in. We also have everything they need in the coop. Food and water. Should we take those out?
When I built my little coop I was just kind of winging it and when I went to build a ramp I realized it was too high off the ground and the ramp would be too steep. I got creative and built them a chicken porch to help lower the angle. They love it! (The chicken door and the run aren't done yet in this picture)
That's too steep for them? My chickens must have mountain chickens in them. :lau they will climb up or down anything.
That’s what I thought. Our chickens will roost on the rafters rather than the nice roost bar we made for them. They aren’t even coming to the door to go outside. Not interested. They are so different from our last group. These ones were kept in a tiny coop/run. They don’t have much interest in treats and are very skittish. Hopefully they come around.
That's just bizarre to me. If our automatic door doesn't open I can hear them knocking on it with their beaks and squawking their butts off. Even on the coldest of days. I hope they figure it out.
That's just bizarre to me. If our automatic door doesn't open I can hear them knocking on it with their beaks and squawking their butts off. Even on the coldest of days. I hope they figure it out.
Yea me too. We are going to start taking them out everyday. Hopefully then they will start to get the hang of it.

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