Here we go... after waiting for 10 years. Plus a CONTEST (is that ok??)

I just tried taking pictures. This is terrible. I feel like a chicken torturer. They will not let me take a picture of their head. OK this is what I’m going to do.

MYLIED: you get $20. One of These guys going to a new home on Saturday. I will choose the one that I am pretty sure it’s is a roo. It will probably be number one. The other five are with me for a while. Whatever the final tally is, if it’s different from the original, I’ll pay another 20 bucks. How is that?
Sorry to hear you (may) have so many boys...I popped in to read about your setup (we've been waiting almost ten years, too!) and now would love to know which heating pad model you ended up with! Those are adorable babies, btw. Boys or no. ;)

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