Heres a look at my chicken shack

It just keeps getting better! You still only have 14 or have you added more? They should be about 5 months old by now, I'm thinking. Have you gotten eggs yet? My EE and BR's have been producing pretty regular and they are about the same age as yours (hatched 3/28/16).
Is the new addition just going to be a new roosting/sleeping area?
How much of the materials have you had to buy so far?
How many chickens do you have? I'm inspired by your creativity!!
Thanks . I have 17 of them .

It just keeps getting better! You still only have 14 or have you added more? They should be about 5 months old by now, I'm thinking. Have you gotten eggs yet? My EE and BR's have been producing pretty regular and they are about the same age as yours (hatched 3/28/16).
Is the new addition just going to be a new roosting/sleeping area?
How much of the materials have you had to buy so far?
I have two that started laying about 3 weeks ago .The first egg was August 31st . I have a few that will probably start laying with in the month and the rest I think they wont start till late November or who knows lol .
Yes , the new addition will be a place to sleep and nest if they want to . Though I have a few places for them to sleep they all like to stick together at night now and that makes some spots a bit tight in space so I'm fixing that problem with this new addition I hope .

And to answer your question about materials , The only materials I've bought is the plywood and the chicken wire along with the hardware nails ,screws and such .
I see clean bedding and dry ground, lots of ventilation and shade. It really is the perfect chicken home.
I am also a fan of pallets as coop building material.. You can bang off a coop in a couple of hours!
The "courtyard" looks totally different just moving the A frame back that little bit. I never noticed the skylights before now. This is going to look so cool with Christmas lights and snow on the ground.

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