Here's my big boy, Sarge!


Still chillin' with my peeps
Mar 13, 2008
East South Central (West KY)

This is my big beautiful boy, Sarge.
*the strange gray lump behind him is the guinea who thinks she should be Sarge's "main squeeze"
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What a handsome gentleman you have there.

edit - you need to explain to that guinea the potential future problems of cross species mating. she would not want her children being picked on. Just tell her it would never work for her and Sarge
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I've seen pix of guinea / chicken crosses... *shudder!* It's so funny to watch her, though -- when she gets cold, she just goes up and sticks her head under his wing. He just stands there looking around, with her head stuck under his wing, looking for all the world like a man holding a woman's purse under his arm... LOL!
His disposition dispels everything that has been said about mean RIR roos. He is alpha roo, but is not mean at all. He did go through a period of time when the other 2 roos were in their adolescent stage trying to mate with every other hen / pullet on the place that he was fairly aggressive in keeping the order clear, making sure they know HE is top roo, but he never once got vicious with them. He never hurts the girls (although I do have one little SLW hen that wears an apron / saddle because before the pullets grew into maturity, Pebbles was the ONLY hen of mating age, and poor girl lost many of her feathers). He is VERY good at keeping watch for danger, ALWAYS lets the ladies have first choice of any treats or yummies he happens to find, and always makes sure everyone has gone to roost before he goes in for the night. He is the epitome of a GREAT roo! The Buff Orp roo (Moose) is the low man on the totem pole, and the BR roo Brewster is in the middle; he tries to mate (sometimes successfully) with the girls if Sarge is too far away to stop him. It makes me sad to hear all the people talking about culling RIR roos because they're supposed to be mean. It depends on the roo, and depends on how willing you are to use behavior mod. techniques if the circumstances demand.

ETA also, he has NEVER tried to run at me or "buck up" against me in any way, and he has spurs that are at least 1 1/2" to 2" long. I may trim them just so he doesn't hurt a hen accidentally. When I thought he might be getting too rough in his discipline of the other roos (and one time, for about a week, he decided he was not happy with one of the RIR hens and did a lot of chasing her around the yard), I'd pick him up and carry him (not upside down, just tucked under my arm) around the yard, talking to him and telling him he was a good roo, but that he wasn't going to get by with that.
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Nice looking roo. Love can be a strange and wonderful thing. My dog and one of my cochin hens have a thing for each other.

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