Heritage & Exhibition Turkey Thread

Does anyone on this thread raise/sell/ship blue or chocolate palms or hatching eggs? I know Porters has them but they're a bit out of my price range at the moment. Thanks!
Usually they have a sale and the prices drop-- the selection becomes limited though. Otherwise perhaps you can find someone to split an order with . . . . .
Longtime lurker of this thread.....

So we currently have 3 Narragansett poults from Tony Albritton and a couple Bronze poults that came with an order to a friend and we picked them up. The 2 bronze poults are three weeks old and are in the brooder house along with my Dom chicks that are 2 weeks old.

The 3 Narragansett poults are about 7-8 weeks old. They are in with my non-breeder Dominique hen flock, and some assorted EE hens.

Yesterday evening it was starting to sprinkle. which later turned into rain, so I went out to make sure the juvenile Narragansett turkeys weren't being stupid, and were inside the coop with the hens.

They weren't inside, so I went into the coop with some mealworms and they followed me in.

It was a nice evening, so I first sat on the low roost and just watched. It is my opinion that poults are naturally ADHD. They wandered around, flew/jumped up onto the low roost, then onto the nest boxes perch, then onto the high roost and back down to the ground. This happened a couple of times.

Then they realized that 4 of our EEs were up in the rafters of the hen house. Hmmm. this is where I want to be they are thinking. So they go around and around, trying to figure out how to get up there. They are soon on the sloped roof over the nest boxes, and taking monumental flying leaps towards the rafters. Nope, they are still too small to get up there, though they got within about a foot. Each time they would come crashing down and take a minute or two to regather their senses (what little they have) and try again.

I have now moved and am leaning on the higher roosts watching the spectacle. One of them sees me and gets an idea. (you can actually see the lightbulb, however dim, come on in their turkey heads) He goes to the lower roost and flies up to my arms which are crossed. Then he decides that he needs to be on my head, and from there try for the rafters. Not gonna happen says I. No turkey is using my head as a launching pad. So I move over to the far wall and lean there. The other two are still thinking they can make it from the top of the nest boxes, but this one is determined. He gets up on the higher roosts where the hens are. They haven't allowed the poults to roost with them, as they haven't earned their spots in the pecking order yet. So this one poult side slides / walks closer and closer to the hens so he can (he thinks) fly to my head and then try for the rafters. He makes an attempt which I don't allow, and he lands on the floor. By this time is is almost dark, so they all give up. they ended up roosting on the nest boxes perch, across the hen house from the hens.

Too funny. Its like watching ADD kids try not to go to bed.

I think they are pretty smart. We have a lot of wild turkeys in my area and many stop by for a visit. I think they are coded to be more follow the leaders. Adults show them where all the good eating places are and the places to sleep. When they are little it is not in the trees. Which is why so many are lost to predation. TUrkeys are very calm and very much copy cats. Which is a great survival method.

Glad you are enjoying your newest members of your flock. They are free entertainment for sure. lol
LOL Let me re-phrase... How about goofy? LOL  They seem to think with their genes, but they do have some pretty good problem solving abilities, though they tend to try the same thing over and over and sometimes get "stuck" in their thought processes.

This is the second year for us with Narragansetts. Last year we had two. One committed canine suicide; it flew over the fence presumably because it was curious about the dogs. She was dead before she hit the ground. The other we ate for Thanksgiving. I have never eaten a better tasting turkey.
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