Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

What would you guys do if you werent crazy about your foundation k?
With my roo dq for white wing tip im down to one k for the Barnevelders
in this situation what would you guys do????
Was it just one feather on one wing. If it is, there's a good chance it's related to some sort of environmental stress and not genetic. If it's just one feather, pull it out. Give it several weeks and see how it grows back in.
My birds are from the johann line im thinking of bringing in a k from chad stoners doug austin line bigger males than mine stronger lacing
Was it just one feather on one wing. If it is, there's a good chance it's related to some sort of environmental stress and not genetic. If it's just one feather, pull it out. Give it several weeks and see how it grows back in.
I agree with Ripster. It is very possible that feather was injured during development. See if it grows back he correct color.
Thank you, Sarah!
My mind just wanders off alone sometimes and gets lost in theory out of sheer curiosity of the topic...it just caught my imagination that we have people who are worlds apart trying to breed many different breeds to one breed standard in the SOP and arriving at that point from all points, so advice given on the birds would have to be like scatter shot when talking of genetics if this epigenetics thing holds water. Thank you for taking my mind by the hand and telling it not to cross the street alone..it's a dangerous world out there if you let your mind wander off the sidewalk.
Curiosity killed the cat, they say.
I am always hanging out near where the sidewalk ends. It's an endlessly fascinating place.
Was it just one feather on one wing. If it is, there's a good chance it's related to some sort of environmental stress and not genetic. If it's just one feather, pull it out. Give it several weeks and see how it grows back in.


Originally Posted by 3riverschick

I agree with Ripster. It is very possible that feather was injured during development. See if it grows back he correct color.
As much as I have studied and done with chickens I don't know the outcome of this(never plucked feathers purposely on live birds). When one removes a feather in this way is there a trigger mechanism that kicks in to tell the system to replace that feather or (here's my way of thinking) one might would have to wait quite a spell for the new feather to come in, at the specific/sequential time during the molt. All wing feathers fall out and come in a certain order this was established way back along time ago(around feather development era) for flying birds to still be able to fly during the molting process. It may be just faster to find a suitable breeder if time is of the essence here. J/S or actually just asking


I do know I have studied that most white feathers(esp flights and tail feathers) generally come back with even more pronounced white with each successive molt.
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What would you guys do if you werent crazy about your foundation k?
With my roo dq for white wing tip im down to one k for the Barnevelders
in this situation what would you guys do????

Study the Standard so I knew not to show a bird with a disqualification.
After that you have 2 choices breed from what you have to see what happens or look for a replacement male.

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