Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II


I built a "divider" using 1/4" vinyl coated wire so I can hatch multiple pens in the same hatcher (I single breed also) . This way, I toe punch all those that were outside the divider.....then open the divider and toe punch those

I also built a larger one to use in the hatching tray of the Sportsman so I can hatch as many as 6 pens at a time
Got a pic? I have been using these wire baskets that i got at a stationary store. I flip them over on top of 6 eggs at the most. 3 fit in the 1588 with room around them for another 6 eggs or so. What I dont' like about them is that the chicks can't stand up very well as they are a little short. And, as it would be, the ones under the trays almost always hatch first!
Got a pic? I have been using these wire baskets that i got at a stationary store. I flip them over on top of 6 eggs at the most. 3 fit in the 1588 with room around them for another 6 eggs or so. What I dont' like about them is that the chicks can't stand up very well as they are a little short. And, as it would be, the ones under the trays almost always hatch first!
I'm headed out the door to Bible study, but I'll see if I can locate one of them when I get back. I think my small ones are in the basement, but the larger is in my office (where the Sportsman is).....should be home by 9 and I'll try to remember
Found a 7,700 egg one............

Wonder how many select, single matings folks use to fill one that size?
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Wonder how many select, single matings folks use to fill one that size?

Oh come on, assuming 7 eggs per mating per week that's only around 366 matings.

Edit: In case it wasn't obviously, tongue planted firmly in cheek. And the math works out that way if you keep 3 batches one week apart in there, because obviously you're going to use a separate hatcher. Who doesn't have at least a few hundred matings? LOL
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Karen, I've heard that forage/seed oats for a deer plot are chemically treated. Why would you not use regular feed oats? They sprout just fine when I overseed the yard with rye and oats for forage for the geese for the winter. Haven't read the label, but certainly would before deciding which to use. Just my thoughts as I'm too lazy to grow sprouts when they grow fine in the yard and last longer :)
I don't know about the other brands. Plotspike Forage Oats are not chemically treated. $20.- $24. for 50 lb. bag
at Tractor Supply Company. http://www.plotspike.com/forageoats.htm I spoke to the folk who dealt with the
creation of the oats at Louisiana State University and they said they were not GMO, but specially line bred to
create the strain. Created circa 2002. Some feed oats ( feed for animals as opposed to forage seed which is
planted to grow feed which animals eat) have an anti-mold chemical sprayed on them which caused them to
mold, instead of sprout.
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Got a pic? I have been using these wire baskets that i got at a stationary store. I flip them over on top of 6 eggs at the most. 3 fit in the 1588 with room around them for another 6 eggs or so. What I dont' like about them is that the chicks can't stand up very well as they are a little short. And, as it would be, the ones under the trays almost always hatch first!
I hatched 4 groups of single matings using lidded plastic tomato baskets from the store. I can get 5 eggs in the big ones--3 in the small ones.


What part of the country are you in? Might be able to help guide you towards a good breeder.

Edit: Meant for the Langshan if you don't have luck finding any
I'm in VA and was given the name Wil Hanley as someone who is supposed to be at the show (VA Breeders show) If there is are others you
could recommend, please let me know.

Here is one of our hens. All three pretty much have the same crummy tail set. So frustrating.

Here is our cock bird -- keeping an eye on the dominant cock (molting hackle and tail feathers) and another strutting his stuff this past summer. He is 16 months old now.


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