Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

My necropsy is done. It started out nice and neat but once I got into the body cavity it went to crap from there. Getting the livers, or whatever they were, out was next to impssible the way I was doing it. I ended just causing them to leak blood:rolleyes: . I did find two weird things. First off I think something was wrong with his chicken balls( that or I ripped out the wrong thing ). Then his intestines were an odd color. Looked like the color of his crap he was having. I'll get pictures posted in a minute.
Lol, fantastic review. Wonder if that would fly in vet school. My explanation would be the same though, I understand that language;)
I have never used it and I never will. I keep my brooders somewhat clean as keeping it perfectly clean does not allow for development of resistance to whatever may be in your poultry yard.

I use yogurt quite a lot to build up beneficial bacteria in the gut and I have found that this keeps my birds quite healthy.
Does cocci have a reputation for being a problem in a place as dry as yours? I have wondered that, and if it was more of a problem in the humid east.
Coccidia is rampant in my state and in my area but I've never had a case of it either and I'm thinking it's for much the same reason as Lacy...good preventative management, free range on land that is not overstocked and a good culture in the bowel.
What's everyone's thought on medicated chick starter? Good or bad? I'm leaning toward good based on past experiences but would like others to weigh in.
In my climate coccidia is rampant, despite very frequent coop cleaning. I have not had an outbreak in 35 years, due to feeding medicated feed until 4 1/2 months of age. Why risk good stock ? All medicated, low dose feed does is let birds develop immunity as they grow.Don't use it, and you risk an outbreak that you have to treat with Amprol, which causes B deficiencies.Just makes good sense to me to use it.
I do it differently here but works in much the same manner. I do low exposure from first hatch to existing bedding and soil loads so they build natural immunities. I've never fed medicated starter and never had a case of coccidia. Same result, different approach.
Does cocci have a reputation for being a problem in a place as dry as yours? I have wondered that, and if it was more of a problem in the humid east.
I have not always lived in this desert. I used to live in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California and we did get some wet springs/early summers. Though not as dry as Nevada, certainly nowhere near as humid and wet as the midwest to the east coast.
I have not always lived in this desert. I used to live in the Sierra Nevada foothills in California and we did get some wet springs/early summers. Though not as dry as Nevada, certainly nowhere near as humid and wet as the midwest to the east coast.
I was just curious. I associate cocci with warm and damp. Never raised birds out that way.

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