Hermaphroditidic ewe?

Just to check the obvious: could she be older than you were told?
Because large horns and bigger size could just come with increased age. :idunno

(I am not a sheep expert, but I have read that you can tell the age by looking at which permanent teeth they have.)

She could be, yes, but the horns are too big. The ewe in the front of the picture above has fairly long scurs and they don’t even compare to chimera’s. In the picture below is some of our yearling rams and they have horns more comparable to chimera’s.
Painted desert ewes have scurs but never ones this big. Chimera has horns and a mane both of which are ram traits but no scrotum or penis. Im trying to figure out why this is but I don’t think the breed is the answer. We plan to put her with a ram so if she breeds at all, her lamb will inherit the horns of its genetic like your suggesting.
Some breeds have horns for both sexes
Going to try and run her through the Shute today to get a better look at everything. If she does have testicles they’re very small, the size of a lambs’ maybe.
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