Heterochromia? Two Different Colored Eyes?

This article is super helpful: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/the-great-big-giant-mareks-disease-faq.66077/.

Edit: oops, I didn't realize @Eggcessive linked it before me.

I've researched Marek's because I suspect my own flock has it. Some general information I've learned is that it is extremely contagious because it spreads on chicken dander, so if an infected chicken is brought onto your property then there is little chance your whole flock isn't infected. If you have Marek's in your flock, you must keep a closed flock (no giving away or selling chickens). The vaccine does reduce deaths from the disease, but it does not prevent your chickens from being carriers of it and shedding the virus.
Ocular Marek's seems to be the least fatal form, however, it can still make a chicken go blind.
I’ve had this hen for awhile now. For like over a year. I never notice that she had two different colored eyes until a week ago. The other chickens haven’t showed any symptoms of a disease or
Anything. I’m just worried now.
:cafLooks like according to the articles there isn't anything to do for her, she could live for years as a carrier. Your other birds are already exposed, so it would come down to closing your flock. Don't give away or sell any of your birds (at least not without full disclosure about your flock having Mareks to them). Buy vaccinated birds only, and always quarantine new birds.

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