Hey all you quailbrains! I miss my quail


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
We successfully moved to Florida. I found new homes for all my critters just fine. But I do miss them so! So I hope I can hang out on here with all of my BYC friends and watch your pictures and stories, until I can again get more quail and chicky-poos. We moved into an apartment so of course no farm critters..but hopefully in a year or two
Have you ever considered getting a few button quail? -- they are very small, about 5 inches long, and are commonly kept as indoor caged birds. I have 7 that are about 2 1/2 weeks old, and they are adorable. They peep to each other constantly, make little whistling noises once in a while, and like to take dustbaths already. They are about half sized now, like a little mouse.

Button quail are commonly kept in birdcages or often in aquariums. You can keep 2 of them in a 30 gallon tank. They eat regular gamebird crumble supplemented with finch seed and mealworms. A lot of people who live in apartments keep them (lease permitting, of course).
What's stopping you? The landlord doesn't even have to know.

Quail have such basic needs, I don't see why you couldn't keep a trio or so indoors in a 30- to 50-gallon aquarium. Fresh eggs from your living room!!

Better yet, if you've got a balcony, put a breeding group of six or seven in a rabbit hutch on the balcony.

All joking aside, I feel for you. I would be heartbroken if I had to live in an apartment again and give up all my outdoor critters. I think I would be severely tempted to try to keep some quail in an aquarium.

I was heartbroken having to give up all my poultry when we did our big move and then spent a year in rental and then found that even after we moved I couldnt have any due to ordinances but the quail really make up for that!

Would go mental (well, a bit more mental than I already am) without them.

So go on, get a few for yourself. Even keeping them indoors would be fun.

Should call this the enabler site rather than one for quail
I had a quad of quail indoors from December until spring. If I couldn't have my ducks and lived in an apt, I would so raise quail on a balcony!
you enablerers you... Well, I have no balcony and these apartments are only a year or so old..they inspect a lot and we are only allowed two animals period. And I can't give up my pups. But I sure do miss the quailies. Thanks for the piccy birdaholic! I will be watching you all from the sidelines until we decide where exactly we will end up. It's due to Hubbys' job. I got a job a Walmart so I can transfer anywhere. At least it gives me plenty of time to consider what my next set-up will be like. Love Peace Out!
(me, sitting back to watch)
Oh, yes. That is exactly what I do when I can't have my next critter yet. I am desperate for a kitty. I am a cat person--a kitty is the only animal I'm willing to feed without expecting something in return, lol! But dh is out of work at the moment and things are rather tight, so I'm waiting for a better time. In the mean time, I have been building cat structures out of scrap wood and fabric remnants, to keep myself occupied while I WAIT. Feels less like waiting this way, lol!
I forgot to say
hi there! We managed the move to Florida a year and a half ago.


And the two animals only, does that include cage birds and fish? Most places only count dogs and cats as animals (yeh, go figure) so you might get away with a nice big cage with, say, a couple of finches flitting around and a nice trio or quad of quails on the bottom.

Worth asking your landlord anyway.

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