Hey any Gay members?????

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Everybody bathes, and everybody's children know that people bathe. However, there are very likely children on here who do not know the modern meaning of 'gay', and it's because the parents aren't ready to discuss it. We really don't want BYC getting a bad reputation because a kid goes to her mom and says, "Mom, what does it mean for somebody to be gay?" Or worse, "Why were they so upset about a thread about people being happy?"

and there is people who don't want their children to know about other religions, does this mean us non Christians should stay quiet about it so as not to risk corrupting their children?
I would hope that they would. IT is NOT a family friendly topic IMO. If you didn't want labels put on it you wouldn't have asked. It seems OP is trying to start something. What does sexual orientation have to do with raising chickens. If OP wants to know he/she should put something in the signature line and possibly start a blog about their [i[lifestyle[/i].

We have threads that talk about religion other then Christianity, we have threads that speak of bathing, cows, politics, etc. none of which have to do with chickens.
If this is objectionable, then I think 90% of this forum is likely objectionable. Keep in mind, not everyone is Christian, nor are we required to be.
Better go ask your mommy, sweetie.

Point proven, thank you, Redhen.
your Christian? good you follow your religious rules and don't try and dictate who someone else loves and how they raise their family and children (gasp yes gays and bi have families too so it is defiantly family friendly) based on your religion.
I didn't get to read the post before it was pulled but if it is simply talking about being gay, yes it is family friendly, lots of gay people have healthy children who lead normal functional lives.

I'm confused. What is wrong, is people who torment other people who raise healthy families by consenting non abusive adults, because those people have a personal problem with someone else being born a certain way or has a lifestyle that doesn't harm anyone, that someone else doesn't like.

If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.

Um, really? I was raised in a home that was very God-based, very conservative Christian parents, homeschooled till high school, but I'd never assert myself to judge like you just did and call this site "SINFUL"... casting stones, judging not, and all that. If you dont like this thread stay out, make sure your kids arent online without supervision, and be nice. You don't have to agree with the choice but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to show Christion love, to judge would be "SINFUL".....

OK, sorry, tried to say that nicely, don't want to get in trouble, I'll go back where I belong....
Yep..we are told all the time..if we dont like a thread..simply DONT open it. Its what the mods tell us anyways.... unless somethings changed??
I'm bi, and trans, and looking forward to starting a family and doing some homesteading. We're out here, and will be here even if this thread gets shut down because someone decides there's something 'wrong' with us, don't worry.

And to answer the actual question...yeah, I do often feel out of place at more 'rural' events. I've had several people assume that it's okay to gay-bash around me or make jokes about transgender people because at first glance I guess I look like any other white guy. And depending on the environment, it's not always safe to speak up.

As a result, I've just started avoiding a lot of those events. I rarely go watch local horse events, which bums me out because it's something I really enjoy.
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