Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Making mashed fresh carrots and sausage with baked
potatos and sour cream chives
and mixed fruit for desert.
sausage left over from last night dinner with sweet-sour cabbage-beans.
I've recently discovered the miracle of cooking whole chickens in the crock pot- don't know how I missed out on that one for so long. We processed our very first 50 Freedom Ranger meat birds this year so I have a whole lot of chickens to be cooking
I cooked a nice sized bird on high for 5 hours while I did chores and ran errands, then turned it into Chicken Shepard's Pie when I got home at DH's request. Could be one of the tastiest things I've had in a while. There's nothing like home grown veggies and chicken together baked up to perfection
A great meal for DH after he gets home late from work tonight.
I made chicken pasta salad with a jar of cowboy candy (from the recipe index )
A huge bowl... gone. two guys with forks and it just evaporated. I was hoping for left overs.
next year I will have to fill the pantry with those jalapeno pickles.
now this i had to try!!!!
Re: Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2Zookeeper - Here's the recipe for the French bread and directions for the bowls. I let my bread machine do all the work, then form, rise and bake!

1 1/2 cups water
4 cups bread flour
1 TBSP sugar
2 1/2 tsps salt
2 1/4 tsps yeast

1 egg white mixed with water for glazing loaves

Mix and knead until elastic, about 10 minutes. Let rise until double. Punch down and roll dough into a log.

Cut dough into 5 (or 6 for smaller bowls) equal portions. Form dough into ball shape, folding and tucking to remove air. Place on pan with seam side down. Let rise until double in size.

Brush rounds with egg wash.

Bake at 375 degrees about 20-25 minutes.

When cool, remove top 1/4 of bread bowl. Carefully cut out (or pull) bread from the inside, leaving about 1/4 inch of bread around sides and bottom. Place on plate (or bowl) and fill with soup. Tuck the "lid" alongside.

fantastic i will never buy french bread again!!!!!!!

let the bread maker need and do it


only wanted 2 bread soup bowls so made a french stick as well


two lovely babs


and the meal on the plate
thanks Zookeeper one for the book!

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