Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

There is ONE restaurant in my town I don't care to go to--only ONE. Of course, that's the one my in-laws picked to have my fil's 70th b-day dinner
This is a Mexican place that does BBQ on Fridays, but can never order enough ribs to serve everyone. We got there and cars are lined up down the street--I'm so not good with crowds, so I wanted to call it off. My honey talked me into going--I love that man so much, so I gave it a shot. Between the crappy service and the crowd and the normal stuff I really dislike about my inlaws, I only lasted a little over an hour.

My family waits until everyone is served before we say grace and eat. My in-laws simply dig in when the food's in front of you. I was served last, and I'm a slow eater. I was literally only a quarter into my entree when the waitress comes and starts boxing the in-law's food.....kinda made me lose my appetite. I can't stand being rushed. So, I left early. Made it up to my honey later

Long story short, Mexican food last night. Sorry for the rant, but I feel better now!

Tonight will be ham, cheesy taters and a salad.
i hate places like that we have a japanese restaurant that does the same thing but the food is awesome. Anyways lazy day here so some gino's pizza, cheesesticks, and fried mushrooms for dinner.
Rachel, rant away - better out than in. I understand.

Tonight it's YOYO. BLT on sourdough bread for me and for the Princess? Quiche I think.
We have been extremely busy and doing a lot of eating out because my nephew is visiting from college in MO. However I did manage to serve him roast, mashed potatoes and gravy last night. This morning I made the bacon/cinnamon rolls that are all over Pinterest these days and cheesy scrambled eggs! Can let him get on the plane tonight without some home cooking!

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