Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Home made clam chowder and sourdough french bread!
need to make me some sourdough bread! never made clam chowder, always had it from a can
give use recipe for home made bread sounds so good


7-10 cups flour 1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbs salt 2 pck. yeast
3 cup water 1/3 cup olive oil

Heat water to 110°, put salt, sugar, and yeast in a bowl and pour water over and add oil, stir with wire whip until dissolved.

First Kneed:
Stir in 4 cups of flour until mixed well. Add more flour until you have a stiff dough and then kneed until dough is smooth and elastic (3-8 minutes).

Cover and let rise about one hour.

Punch down and kneed until smooth. Divide dough into thirds, shape into 3 loaves and let rise until doubled in size (about 1 hour) and then bake at 400° for 25-35 minutes. Bread is done when the bottom sounds hollow when you tap it and internal temperature is 195 to 205 degrees.

Replace Sugar with Molasses, Honey, Raw Sugar or etc.

Up to half of the flour can be replaced with other types of flour or nuts and etc. Whole Wheat flour will absorb more water, so let the first kneed be a bit sticky.

Optional: Add 2 tbl. Of potato flour with the flour.

Optional: Add 2 tsp malt powder to the water mixture.

Each cup or water will make one loaf of bread. Adjust the ingredient amounts to match the number of loaves you want.

Simple and delicious!
any thing home made is better than you can buy at the store I thank it going to get back to that whit the price of every thing

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