Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I went to the meat market today, but I am torn between adobo, mongolian beef and some kind of casserole. Whatever strikes me as easiest is the winner ...head is funky again
...and DH is hinting for apple turnovers ..so I need easy ...yep..
Lasagna with homemade noodles! Hopefully french bread(I think my yeast I just bought is bad!) and salad.

Last night I made some killer individual roast beast pot pies, DH LOVED them! So did the kids(me too)

Adobo last night ..with a little vinegar
I think I've finally found the "magic" amount to add, so that I can still enjoy it. DH devoured it ..even had the last piece with his omelette and fresh scones, this morning.

I have some lean beef firming up in the freezer, so I can paper thin slice it ..for Orange Beef (Vietnamese style) for dinner. I will put some black beans in the crockpot for various meals this week, and for burritos in the freezer ..when we need a snack or quick fix meal. And I'm off to find some artichokes, so I can get the hearts out and make the cheesy, creamy sauce for a particular casserole ..for tomorrow.

The rain and the barometric pressure thing is wreaking havoc and chaos upon my noggin' ..so I'm fully preparing for the worst.

Oh... and I made scones this morning ...candied Thai ginger, orange rind, pecans ..and I substituted some of the buttermilk with cream ..and the honey with light Agave. DH didn't even slather them up with jam ..just took two, plain. Amazing, since he's got a super duper sweet tooth. (I'm learning to incorporate healthier sweeteners ..besides maple syrup and honey... into his "need" for sweets; especially, if they have a lower glycemic index.)

Hope everyone's weather is being kind...
Aneesa's Muse :

Adobo last night ..with a little vinegar
I think I've finally found the "magic" amount to add, so that I can still enjoy it. DH devoured it ..even had the last piece with his omelette and fresh scones, this morning.

I have some lean beef firming up in the freezer, so I can paper thin slice it ..for Orange Beef (Vietnamese style) for dinner. I will put some black beans in the crockpot for various meals this week, and for burritos in the freezer ..when we need a snack or quick fix meal. And I'm off to find some artichokes, so I can get the hearts out and make the cheesy, creamy sauce for a particular casserole ..for tomorrow.

The rain and the barometric pressure thing is wreaking havoc and chaos upon my noggin' ..so I'm fully preparing for the worst.

Oh... and I made scones this morning ...candied Thai ginger, orange rind, pecans ..and I substituted some of the buttermilk with cream ..and the honey with light Agave. DH didn't even slather them up with jam ..just took two, plain. Amazing, since he's got a super duper sweet tooth. (I'm learning to incorporate healthier sweeteners ..besides maple syrup and honey... into his "need" for sweets; especially, if they have a lower glycemic index.)

Hope everyone's weather is being kind...

This entire post is full of things I've never had the thought/know-how/courage to make
It's making me hungry though
Sadly I was raised on the standard easy meals-hamburger, or hamburger helper, spaghetti, steaks on the grill etc. Pretty plain. And my husband isn't very adventurous either, so he doesn't help. I'm trying to make "different" meals though, I'm so Tired of the "Same ol,' Same ol'

Ok, can I ask what Adobo is?​
Gee Annesa's Muse - for someone whose noggin is hurtin' you sure are the Energizer Bunny! That's what I call planning for an emergency!

Everything sounds yummy! Wish we could have a pot luck supper.

It was a busy, busy weekend. We either ate out or ate leftovers so there was nothing to report. Tonight I'm making chili, cornbread, and salad. It's supposed to rain and that sounds like a nice rainy day meal.
Adobo is a Filipino dish, traditionally. There's a recipe or two.. here, in this thread ..or in the other "recipes" thread. I tried to do a search, but only got the entire thread ..so I have to dig through it. I make mine a little different from most folks, too...

And I totally understand about the unadventurous hubby thing.. I had one ...he's better now


Okay.. I have zippo energy for doing a thread dig, so here's a very "winged" version of my Adobo:

4 whole leg quarters, leg and thigh separated ..skin removed from thighs (there's only two of us, so adjust this to fit your family's size). A T. or so of oil, 2 bay leaves, generous amount of Adobo seasonings (garlic, onion, cumin, oregano, black pepper, and cayenne ...all dried, all fresh ..or some of each... doesn't really matter), vinegar, more freshly ground black pepper and some sea salt, a dash or two of Worcestshire, some fresh sliced onion and crushed garlic clove.

Get the oil hot and cook the Adobo seasoned chicken pieces until no red 'juice' is free flowing ..there will still be a little with a fork poke ...just slightly golden/brown on all sides. Toss in the fresh onion and garlic, add salt n' pepper, bay leaves, Worcestshire, vinegar ..appx. 1/8 c. ..or more, if you like it.... and enough water to almost cover the chicken pieces. Increase the heat to an active simmer, to reduce the sauce ..and continue to cook the chicken.

Make some rice to serve the Adobo over ..and do some kind of vegetable ..while this is all cooking down a bit. Once the sauce is reduced to about a third of the original liquid, you are all set. If it's not thick enough for your preference, add a quick sprinkling of corn starch and stir.

(If I find my original recipe ..I'm terrible at writing recipes... I'll edit this again and post it back here)
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