Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Really adds to the taste of the gravy.
I'm craving cheese, I guess. Listening to KLOVE and they were talking about grilled cheese sammiches. Sour is having mac and cheese. I'm thinking cheesy taters. Or nachos. Sheesh, guess I just need some cheese!
Well, we had chicken enchiladas for dinner. One pan of those, the second pad of bean and cheese. And on the end, three little enchiladas that had no chicken, no beans.....just cheese! Glorious, melty cheese. So yummy!

tomorrow is small group from church. It's potluck, with an Italian theme. I'm taking lasagna and garlic bread.
I may finally be getting enough cheese

Had pizza for lunch, and dinner was lovely marinated grilled pork chops with mac and cheese and broccoli.

I don't know, is there such a thing as enough cheese?
I actually stepped away from my chronic 1 dish meals last night & made fried rice, stir fry & sweet/sour tofu. They all chowed it down just exactly the same as they would've anything else that would have taken 5x less time & effort... I think I'm sticking with burritos from now on.

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