Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Yard bird. Style unknown at present time..
I tried a new recipe last night: baked smoked mozarella fondue. You put cut up fresh tomatoes and minced parsley on top! We had it with baguette and pretzels. I couldn't find any smoked mozarella so I used fresh mozarella and added smoked gouda with bacon. The recipe also called for cream cheese, provolone, sour cream, and spices. It was mighty good and very easy to make, but I like traditional fondue with fresh fruit dippers better.
We had Corned beef & cabbage, boiled potatoes, Boiled RED cabbage (the store was sold out of green), Sourdough rolls, and Guiness frozen custard for dessert. (This was last night, we celebrated SPD a day late).

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