Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

now I am hungry!
The Kitty is doing much better today, she can move carefully on her own without crying in pain, but still can't do steps. Hopefully a couple more days of rest will have her good as new!

Tonight was a chicken etouffee, rice and a mixed green salad.
I'm glad to hear that the kitty is doing better today, happyhen!

Tonight will be soft and mushy food. DD got her braces today and can't eat anything solid.
There's some leftover goulash from the other night, so I think I'll serve that.
DD is doing a little bit better today, but her Ortho just called to check in and mentioned that the second day is usually the worst of them. I don't yet know what we'll be having for dinner tonight, but I'm sure it'll be mushy again.

Just curious - I know I tend to post less on the weekends because I cook less on the weekends (other than Sunday). I try to make extras earlier in the week and make life easy by reinventing them on the weekend. And sometimes we'll grab take-out on Friday. Do you all cook every night? Do you cook extra to have leftovers? Or do you eat out, and if so, how often?
I don't like to cook on Fridays.. simply because they are busy days, usually... but about half and half, I end up cooking ..or he brings home take-out. Otherwise, I cook every day that I am able ...migraines curb that some days ..and I almost always make extra for our lunches or for the days that I am absolutely dysfunctional

Last night, Mini Penne with chicken breast and 2 different "cheater" sauces ..part of a jar of TJ's Vodka sauce and part of Bertolli's Alfredo with Sundried Tomatoes sauce. I served a green salad and bread with it.. yummy comfort food!

Since yesterday, I've had 2 lbs of lovely lean steak, marinating in Carne Asada seasonings, TJ's version of seasoning salt (it's all natural and preservative free.. yey), fresh minced onion, green pepper and jalapenos, garlic, etc. I picked up some nice big ears of fresh white corn ...and I'll make some spanish rice and fresh tortillas before I start grilling the meat and corn. I'll probably make another salad and slice up some fresh melon, as well.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Aneesa's Muse :

Since yesterday, I've had 2 lbs of lovely lean steak, marinating in Carne Asada seasonings, TJ's version of seasoning salt (it's all natural and preservative free.. yey), fresh minced onion, green pepper and jalapenos, garlic, etc. I picked up some nice big ears of fresh white corn ...and I'll make some spanish rice and fresh tortillas before I start grilling the meat and corn. I'll probably make another salad and slice up some fresh melon, as well.

What time is dinner?

Of any day of the week that I don't want to cook, Friday is up there at the top. I think it's that we've been pushing forward all week long and I just don't feel like pushing forward any more. Hubby and I would love to eat out more on a Friday, but the kids are usually in a similar "hit the wall" mood and don't want to go anywhere. So, that's how we've ended up with bringing in take-out.​
not feeling well, teenage son is away tonight so for me it was leftover homemade mac and cheese from last nigh and chips and dip
The youngest likes to graze on nights like this. He has already had 2 hard boiled eggs.

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