Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Today was ham steak with pineapple, roasted potatoes and asparagus with a green salad. We eat hot at noon everyday - so off to clean the kitchen and I'm done for the day!
Tonight we're having
Chicken Picatta with Capers (from boneless rooster breast)
Grilled Zucchini and Yellow Squash

I made PaulaJoanne's Black Bean Chocolate Cake (from this thread) on Sunday - Delicious! It'll be dessert.
We so wanted to do this tonight but the kids aren't really eating. Two kids, stomach flu, 4 rounds of carpet cleaning, and 7 loads of wash.

ouch... hope everyone feels better soon
last night chicken and veggie soup

taco salad tonight

one pot dinner tomorrow night chicken yellow rice sausage

thurs will be waffles and ham

will be eating from the cabinets this whole week hopefully dont want to run to the store at all

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