Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Yum! That sounds good! I'm off to the find a "big fat piece of chuck" in the freezer and will be making this tomorrow
Bison Burgers (again.. they are SOOOO YUMMY)
Sweet Potato Casserole - http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Sweet-Potato-Casserole-II-3/Detail.aspx THIS IS ALSO so yummy
it's like desert!!!! In fact I think next time I'm putting it in a pie crust...

Mixed Green Salad with Oil & Vinegar Dressing

and maybe some homemade Spinach Fettuccine

well.. this was what we actually had.. no salad.. corn instead since we haven't had any in a while...
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Made the Caramel Apple Pork Chops on Tuesday night and we rated them an 81/2. Next time think I'll use a Fuji Apple instead of Granny Smith. I left out the nutmeg since it seems to give us both crazy dreams. Last night was kinda boring - hamburgers with sweet potato fries. I have no idea what to fix for dinner tonight. May be one of your posts will inspire me.

DawnSitter - where do you get the bison meat? There is a bison ranch about 2 hours away from us and they sell frozen bison burgers at our Trader Joe's but curious to see where you get yours. By the way your dinner looked really yummy.

Thank you!
It WAS yummy!!!!

One of the local Food City's carries it here.. a low budget major chain here in the SE
It's packed regionally... that's about the best I can do for a local source and it's of course free range, grass fed and not injected.. so we love it.

thing about Bison is... it makes me ravenous... it's just so lean and yummy... smells like fresh meat even in the package here.. smells good the time I open the package until I eat it.. I can't say that for all pre-packaged store meats that is for SURE

I'm still looking for local pork & beef so until I find them.. bison & deer are the only red meat available to us...
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I'm going to check with the two butcher shops that we have here and see if they carry something like this. My previous boss was a big time game hunter and I used to stay with his 4 girls when he and his wife traveled and it was not uncommon to come over and fine an Elk roast or Elk burger thawing in the sink for dinner. The first time I made tacos from Elk burger they were soooooo dry. I had to learn how to cook it but in the end like you I really enjoyed it.

Funny story - one night I was left with duck breasts to cook. His youngest daughter who was about 4 at the time said just before we starting eating "Oh be careful, you have to watch out for the "3 B's". I said, "What is that". She quickly replied, "Well, it's BBs, Bullets and Bones". Apparently, her mom had come up with that to make sure the girls were aware that there may be buck shot in the breasts. Anyway, it was funny at the time!

Yum! That sounds good! I'm off to the find a "big fat piece of chuck" in the freezer and will be making this tomorrow

LOL I didn't know how else to describe it!

I added to the crock pot apple juice, beef stock, onion soup mix, dry brown gravy mix and a bay leaf.
Last night we had Gumpsgirl whole wheat honey goat cheese pizza...It was great! I've made it before and it's always is a real hit. The gumpsgirl recipe makes enough dough for 2 pizza crusts and since I only made one I had some left over. After school today my DD and I made butter fried bread with cin and sugar. It was sooo good!




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