Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

today was leftovers from dh's birthday dinner that he fixed for himself. great white northern beans , taters, and cornbread, sliced tomatoes from our garden and onion. tomorrow is dd's 20th we are having turkey, green beans , dressin, pasta salad, mashed taters and rolls. my baby is not a baby anymore!!!
tomorrow is my husbands bday so I will make him lasagna and tonight is porter house steak grilled on the bbq from our cows we butchered this feb
Happy Birthday to all of those celebrating recently!

Mahonri - I hope the eggs and bacon helped you sleep.

We've been super busy for the past few weeks, either traveling or having visitors. Right now my cousin is visiting from Illinois, so we've been eating out a bit more than usual (too many good things in So. Cal to eat to miss!) but we've also had some home cooked goodies like pork chops, salmon, and burgers. The garden is coming along nicely, though it has been cooler here this summer and the tomatoes are taking a while to ripen. The zucchini, yellow squash, beets, and green beans have been providing some nice sides. Yum!
Last night made Pork Verde in my Dutch Oven and it was amazing. All the flavors were so perfectly blended together. Then home canned pinto beans on the side.

Tonight Zucchini patties with a nice fried egg on top.

Sandee do share how to make these patties with us! I'm sure we're not the only ones with a few extra zucchinis laying around these days

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