Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Tonight was prosciutto, onion, garlic and kale sauce over tri-color fusilli pasta, with sangiovese wine.

Last night was cream and butter and eggyolk sauce with truffled cheese, over tagliatelle.

Um, yeah. I'm married to an Italian. How could you tell?
Tonight was tomatoes and mozzarella cheese with basil and balsamic vinagrette (as I've said, I'm addicted), breaded balsamic chicken breast, butternut squash mashed with butter and maple syrup, potato pancakes.
Grilled rib-eye, tater tots
,and white shoe-peg corn in butter
I concocted a chicken and green chile enchilada casserole. I very craftily pureed green peppers and onions into the verde sauce so the kids wouldn't know they were there. Worked like a charm!
I need to be invited over to eat with you guys.
My new job and my desire to make good dishes are in conflict these days. I'm still trying to figure out that balance. Tonight was B4D and we've been eating leftovers (gotta love leftovers when you're busy). My morning is more open tomorrow than my evening, so I expect that dinner will be a crockpot somethingorother.
Well, seems like everyone is as busy as I have been lately. Boss' daughter is getting married in a month and I'm doing the flowers and making decorations for church and reception, so not much time for a bunch of fancy cooking. Well, that is not entirely true - I took a tamale making class last Saturday and it was OK - I was a bit disappointed that I didn't walk away saying WOW I didn't know that but in the end it was inspirational. I made pork tamales ALL day Sunday for the freezer. My mom is celebrating her 80th Birthday in Feb and we are all renting a house at the coast - she loves the coast and wants to be close to the sea for her special day. Anyway, thinking that tamales will be good dinner for one night since they travel well and everyone loves them. Brothers and sister-in-laws can fill in the side dishes.

Happy cooking everyone

I'm enjoying it, but it is a lot of work. It's supposed to be part time but there's so much to do that I often work over my hours. I'm the director of marketing for a private middle/high school. I still have my other job as well, plus I've recently become a certified Zumba instructor.
Add to that all the kids activities, I'm one busy mom!

So, easy recipe ideas are always welcome!

Tonight: Crock pot chicken (will reserve the broth for another meal), wild rice blend, steamed broccoli.

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