Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

We made italian sausages with peppers and onion and mashed potatoes. For desert I made a simple peach crisp, using an apple crisp recipe I have that uses instant oatmeal and I substituted homemade peach jam for the apple pie filling. Served it with home made whipped cream.
Tonight I am going to use the left over mashed potatoes, add an egg some flour and grated cheese and fry it up in patties. Don't know what else I'll be making with it yet. I better think of something soon, coz I'll need to take it out of the freezer.
I made a batch of braided poppy seed rolls today using the Gump bread recipe.

I'm having a friend over for dinner tonight so I made
Sicilian stuffed meatballs, stuffed with mozarella, and a marinara sauce with a hint of cinnamon. Serving the sauce and meatballs with spaghetti. She's bringing the salad.

Couple bottles of good red wine and we are set.
Ham hocks (from our pig we raised) and beans. Amazing how so simple can be so good! No corn bread did not have milk just went to the store yesterday thought I got some. Never any when I want it for cooking...the adults don't really drink it. Kids do. We did have bread and butter and it was good too with it.
Was busy playing catch-up all day today. Thankfully, I had some leftover gumbo in the freezer. It only took a while to make some rice and a side dish and dinner was on the table. Best thing is that it was really good and the family loved it.
I made home made Breakfast sausage for the first time this weekend. I had a bit left over so made some meatballs out of it, mixed with tomato basil sauce a top Angel Hair pasta. whas pretty tasty - Oh I also made a fresh loaf of my Dutch oven French bread. Was a nice meal.

Last night was Tilapia with some potatoes on the side. Not sure for tonight.

BackYardBuddies - I have always admired women (and men) who have children and work I can barely keep up with myself and the chickens. So hats off to all of you! How is the new chicken doing these days?

My DH was glad he is working out of town 'cause I made my daughter and my favorite, Gizzards and Rice! Oh it is soooo gooood! I did comment tonight that when we had it as kids there was a lot more rice than gizzards; not so with my recipe! Best thing...enough left over for lunch tomorrow! Terri O
That sausage sounds yummy!
The upside to working is that I get to see my kids during their school day occasionally, which is more than I saw them during the school day when I wasn't working there.

Charlotte is doing great! She has adapted fully and the girls all get along well now. Probably the most interesting shift was in the pecking order. When Penny was with us, it was really difficult to tell whether Penny or Elsie was the top bird. Ruthie was clearly the bottom girl. But now, Elsie is on the bottom and Ruthie has shifted to the middle. It was clear that Charlotte just preferred Ruthie. I don't know if it's because they're the same breed or simply because she wanted to make it clear that Elsie was not going to challenge Charlotte to be the top girl. I'm guessing that Charlotte is somewhere in her first year. She's consistently laying at least 6 days a week, which is a nice treat since the other two are 4 1/2 years old now. Wow!

Dinner . . .
Monday: Defrosted some gumbo I had in the freezer and served it over rice.
Tonight: Homemade pizza and salad
Grandpa is tired today; therefore, it's rather simple: T-bone steak on the grill, sweet and sour red cabbage (my mother-in-law's Polish recipe), and cholesterol laden shredded potatoe pancakes.
(I'll take an extra statin pill tonight.)

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