Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I opened a bottle of my "resturant quality tomato soup" that I made in August. We had that with some grilled sandwiches of smoked turkey, swiss cheese, tomato, garlic jam, swiss chard leaves and hot peppers. OOOH it was good! Definitely a 4 napkin sandwich!
I had leftover venison curry in a burrito with the last of garden tomatoes and a little shredded cheese. Everyone else tired and sick from smoke, so we fixed poached eggs from our girls.
OOh... now THAT sounds sooo good!
Cold and rainy here this weekend - so made some really good roasted pork for Tacos on Saturday with home canned Pinto beans on the side. Then had French Onion soup last night with homemade French Bread. I love the winter months since I love making soup. If I ever opened a restaurant I would have a soup, salads and tons of wonderful homemade breads.


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