Hi! ...A new member in Maine


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 3, 2014
Central Maine
Hello everyone,

Looking forward to learning from, participating, and enjoying this community. I guess I should start with the sample questions?

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I am not new to chickens, although it has been a long time. I raised layers (can't remember the breeds now) and polish game hens when I was a kid. This will be a completely new adventure for my wife and our twin sons though!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
None yet, but I'm contemplating raising some meat birds this summer. In fact, once I get the 'lay' of the land here, I'll be posting my plan and asking for advice and tips. It might sound weird, but I think starting with meat birds will give my wife an idea of what she's getting into… a good overview of time, cost, space, considerations… without the longer term commitment of a flock of layers. Of course, if this is a bad idea, I'm sure you will all let me know!

(3) What breeds do you have?
None yet. Ultimately I'd like to get some sort of dual purpose heritage breed to keep for eggs year round, and then raise some additional birds for meat each summer. Probably quail and turkey down the road as well.

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?
I follow the site on Facebook, but finally joined the actual website and forum at the prompting of a friend from a parenting forum...

LadyOnFire from the debate team… if you're out there, This is SCD (Semi-Crunchy-Dad) from Babycenter. I took your advice, so say hello! LOL

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
Well, my favorite is probably Fly Fishing. I've built my own rods (both bamboo and graphite) and tie my own flies. I also hunt, but trout fishing with a fly is my fave. Hiking, camping, and kayaking in summer, ice fishing in the winter. Genealogy, knitting, and home brewing. Writing, skiing, snowshoeing. And I have a neighbor who is into reloading, which is fun… i'll probably add that to the list soon as well.

Now, if I only had as much time as I'd like to devote to them all!

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
Well, my first name is John, and everyone should feel free to call me that- because I'm sure no one else here is named John, LOL.

My wife and I have been together at least a decade now. We got married on February 29th, so it's fun to goof on people about how many anniversaries we've celebrated. We have two children, twin boys aged five. They just finished up Pre-K at the local public school, and are looking forward to kindergarten. We parents aren't quire sure how we feel about school yet, but the boys love it. We had the two who cried when we came to pick them, not when we dropped them off.

As far as pets go, we just lost our Basset Hound, Fergus to an accident. He was a rescue we've had since his late puppyhood. We aren't sure exactly how old he was, but between 9 and 10. He wasn't going to live as long as a normal basset due to some of his medical issues, but he had time left, and the house is just too quiet without him. We miss him.

He is survived by our two cats, also rescued… Shadow and Harley don't seem to miss him as much, and have quickly taken over his spot on the bed!

I am now a stay at home dad. I used to manage stores, for the book retailer Borders. My wife and I knew we wanted one of us home for at least the boys early years, and given the writing on the wall at Borders, and the fact that Autumn can always make more, it ended up being me. I love it. Love it so much in fact that we are racking our brains for ways to keep me home, and for her to significantly cut her work out of home time as well.

We live in central maine, tucked down next to a large pond, in the woods, with just a few good neighbors. Our ultimate goals revolve around self sufficiency and sustainability, and so we are slowly turning this run down cabin into the homestead of our dreams. I've spent the last five years updating the inside, while clearing land outside.

We have a long way to go, but we finally have room for a serious garden and small critters… It might already be too late this year to get started, but chickens or rabbits will be our first livestock.

Thanks in advance for all your help and knowledge!
Hello there John and welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you are a man with a plan! Always better to think ahead and know where you are going before diving in head first without knowing how things are going to work.

If you have any questions along the way, that is what we are here for.

Good luck with your going self sufficient and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! Check out our sister site, SufficientSelf.com, for some self sustained living tips and ideas. Good luck with your new ventures!
Thanks Gander.

So everyone, I've started to poke around a bit and got very distracted by all the coops and DIY equipment.

If I want to flesh out my plan a bit, and run it by some experts, which is the best board to do it on? I was looking for a beginners sub forum or something, but didn't find one.

So the meat birds board?

I did see a nice sticky on raising Cornish cross that was interesting, but still leaves questions.

Thanks again!
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