Hi BYC, new RIR mom here!


In the Brooder
Jan 5, 2016
I am a first time mom to a BEAUTIFUL Rhode Island Red named Lil' Bit. She's my heart! I got her for my birthday in March 2015 when she was about a week old. I raised her in my house for as long as I could, until she outgrew the guinea pig cage that she slept in nightly. She is SPOILED like crazy. She still comes in when she pleases and hangs out with us and is, believe it or not, completely potty trained. Lol... I ran across BYC looking for answers to an issue I am having. If anyone can help, I'd be grateful. She's my world and I would do anything to keep her safe.
Thank you! I am learning and reading, but I need some advice quickly, where is the proper place in the forum to post about an issue I am having with a rooster in my yard?
You could ask that question about the rooster here. Just please let us know in detail what is going on with him and we will do our best to advice you.

Glad you're enjoying your RIR!

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