Hi Everyone! New here!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
Hi everybody! My name is Robin and I live in Kentucky along with my wonderful husband, daughter, son, and a whole host of furry and feathered friends! We have 8 horses, 16 cats, 4 dogs, 2 bottle baby calves, 15 ducks, 3 geese, and more chickens than I can begin counting! We have our "regular" farm chickens and then my daughter and I have our "special" chicks! lol My hubby doesn't quite understand the reason for having chickens that don't serve a purpose other than looking cool, but what can you expect from a farm boy?! Gotta love him though!
Our "specials" are Silkies, Polish, d'Uccles, Seramas, and Cochins. I never knew chickens could be this entertaining, but they are. We love all of our babies!
I hope to gain a lot of information and make some new friends here!
We don't show them as of right now, but who knows what the future holds?? We actually bought the Silkies from a lady whose daughter shows them and these are "show quality", so it is a possibility. I'd like to know a little bit more about showing first though! lol All we've ever shown were horses (still do).

Hi there, fellow Kentuckian! Are you eastern, central, or western?
We're close to as far west as one can get in KY.
Sounds like you have a lovely menagerie there! You've come to the right place! Here on BYC, you'll find LOTS of friendly people, tons of valuable, helpful information, topics of conversation to keep your interest piqued, and goodnatured ribbing & good old fashioned FUN! Pull up a comfortable chair and let's get acquainted!

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