hi everyone


In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
I've recently joined byc I love my chickens especially the jersey giant I luv hatching using the incubator from Birmingham UK if you ever have any surplus hatching eggs let me know
God bless you all
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community!!

Make yourself at home and we do welcome you to our flock!
Welcome to BYC, Henry! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Jersey Giants are great chickens! I've never owned them but they are definitely on my wish list. Good luck with your flock! Welcome to ours!
Hi Henry nice to meet you. Hopefully our greeter Yorkshire coop, will be coming along soon. She lists the link for the UK thread and can tell you more about the UK scene than I ever could. Welcome to Backyard chickens, glad you joined the flock
Hi it's henry
I've got some blue splash and black jersey giant eggs their due to hatch tomorrow 17/5/15 nothing happening no sign of pipping I've seen eggs move any advice also being in the UK is there strict quarantine rules if I ever got eggs from the states blood lines it was just a thought and it's been great being part of the group thanks for being so welcome
Hi everyone it's Henry
As I from the UK
Could it be possible to get some jersey giants eggs from state side how could I go about it advice welcome

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