Hi from Alberta!


Jun 14, 2019
Central Alberta
I finally joined Backyard Chickens! I’ve been reading posts for the last year whenever I’ve had a question that needed answering so thank you al for getting me through my first year of chicken keeping!

I got my first 4 hens (ISA Browns) exactly one year ago and since then, my flock has grown to 12 ISA Browns, 2 Orpingtons; lavender and buff x black (unfortunately I lost my blue orp to a fox a couple days ago ), and 2 roosters (a lavender orp and a black orp). I also have 23 chicks , mostly pullers and a handful of Roos ranging from 6-8 weeks old in their teenager coop (light Sussex, barred rock, buff orp, speckled Sussex, Belgian maligne). I guess I could be considered a 2nd gen chicken keeper?? My grandparents kept hens but my parents never did...

My husband wasn’t so sure about us getting chickens but he said to go ahead and now he loves them all just as much as me. We have two little girls (2.5 years and 3.5 months). Our toddler loves the chickens too and always wants to pet them. We live on my old family farm in Central Alberta, Canada where the weather can range from 30 degrees C in the summer to -35 degrees C in the winter. This last winter we had a month that stayed under -25 C (around -13 to -30F) which made first time winter chicken keeping pretty stressful. We must have done something right because we still had more eggs then we could eat and everyone made it through.

I also dabble in gardening, sewing/quilting, knitting, private bartending with the husband and we also have a cover band that we play in (I play bass, he plays guitar and we both do vocals as well).

I work part time as a lab tech at a hospital to fund my farm projects :)

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