Hi from Southern Pennsylvania USA!!


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2017
Hi everyone!
MY family is new to the chicken family! My daughter got 3 chicks from her classroom after they hatched and my wife and kids wanted them so bad that they all begged till I broke down and said yes! We got 3 Leghorn chicks all white ones. They are about 5 weeks old so far. And we think that 2 of the 3 are Roosters and 1 hen. I am building the coop and run now. If anyone wants to give me pointers on my coop as i build it I can post some pictures as i build.

I do have alot of questions but i also dont know where to start with the questions?!

One day we had a tomato garden the next I leveled it off and now we are building a Coop and run on that area. This site it INCREDIBLE and there is so much info on it, that its hard to read it all and know where to start!!!

Just wanted to say HI and HELLO!
You can post photos of your chicks at "what breed or gender is this," when they are 6-8 weeks old. A rooster can handle 10 hens - 2 roosters need 20. If you keep them, you will need a lot more hens to keep them from overbreeding the one possible female you have now. Also the 2 possible roos will be fighting each other to be" Cock of the Walk."
Hi and welcome to BYC.

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre - https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/category/learning-center.11/ and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

Each week, various topics are discussed, which can also be a great resource - https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/topic-of-the-week-thread-archive

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/270925/find-your-states-thread#post_3239224

All the best

Hi everyone!
MY family is new to the chicken family! My daughter got 3 chicks from her classroom after they hatched and my wife and kids wanted them so bad that they all begged till I broke down and said yes! We got 3 Leghorn chicks all white ones. They are about 5 weeks old so far. And we think that 2 of the 3 are Roosters and 1 hen. I am building the coop and run now. If anyone wants to give me pointers on my coop as i build it I can post some pictures as i build.

I do have alot of questions but i also dont know where to start with the questions?!

One day we had a tomato garden the next I leveled it off and now we are building a Coop and run on that area. This site it INCREDIBLE and there is so much info on it, that its hard to read it all and know where to start!!!

Just wanted to say HI and HELLO!

I suggest a raised coop design if you plan on having a coop and run and not letting the chickens free range. The raised coop provides them with an area to dust and be in the shade on hot summer days. And it gives you more space than just having a coop on the ground.
Thank you all for the Welcome. I think i spent around 5 hours the other night reading and learned alot. I also realized i was going to make a couple mistakes in my coop build. i will post some pics as soon as i can but its a busy time of year with kids finishing school and birthdays.

The coop I am building is one i found a guy building on YouTube.
these are the pictures he has of them. i changed a couple things but its that kind. and the run will be attached to it. but i was reading alot about using sand in the run and coop but all i found out is that its heavy and sand.

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