Hi from Sweden

Welcome from sunny California. So, you raise native Swedish chicken breeds? Do you have any info on the type or pictures? I was reading some articles on the Icelandic chicken. They are trying to save the breed from extinction. Is their similiar issues happening in Sweden? Do they have any programs to try to save native breeds?

Oh, I am so exicted! I love meeting/talking to people from other countries. You will be a valuable assest here at BYC.

Thanks a lot folks

I guess there are not too many differences between Swedish chicken keeping and chicken keeping in other northern (cold klimate) parts of the US. I´m not even sure if there is a Swedish way to care for them... I know several people in my area who have chickens and not one of them does things the same way others do.
Individualists, but nice ones
anyways I´ll contribute some ´how I do it´ here and there

There are similar issues happening in Sweden, too. Sadly. It´s often that way that old breeds are not as productive as newer breeds are and old breeds are old everyone knew them and they were nothing special. When they start to be something special it often is too late to keep a healthy genetic variety. There are some more and some less endangered, but there are several old type breeds where not too many are left. But there is a Swedish club for old native Breeds which is very active and also a big number of people like me who have ´farm-populations´ with different native breeds mixed
so there is still hope. I have a mixed flock which is close to the type of Hedemora chickens and Swedish black hens + one fullblooded Hedemora hen and I plan to breed more Hedemora eggs next year and mix them with my own flock to get it closer to the old type. There is some information of them in books and on the internet, so if anyone is interested I can translate some of the notes I collected. For the Hedemora chickens at least, there sadly is not overly much info available of the Swedish black hens.
Svarthöna :

Yes, there are chicken crazy people all over the world
and I´m one of them. I´m 29 and have chickens since about a year. They are a mixture of old-fashioned Swedish farm-breeds from my area, nothing fancy for sure. Calm and cold tolerant small birds, which lay not too many off-white eggs and breed a lot, but I still love them.
My interest in poultry genetics and how I can improve some of the characteristics of my flock with planned breeding are my main reasons for being here. So I guess you can expect some strange worded questions from me
please bear with me, it´s been a long time since typing anything advanced in English and it seems I need to upgrade my vocabulary with some more chicken related words.

Welcome from Kentucky!!! My daughter and I are going to be visiting Stockholm either right before Christmas or in the Spring around May... I am half Swedish and have always wanted to visit the land of my ancestors, although mine are from the north Stockholm is close enough. We have history dating back to the 1600's. My great grandparents migrated to the US in the late 1800's. My daughter has a friend outside of Stockholm that was an exchange student at her high school 3 yrs ago, he is supposed to try to see us and show us around some.

Have a great day, or night in your case,

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