Hi from this chicken newbie!


Aug 18, 2019
Austin, Texas
I have been reading a lot about chickens on this forum since 2019. My neighbors had a coop with 8 chickens and gave me 3 new baby chicks they got. I kept the 3 together in a temporary coop/dog pen but always had the option to send them next door to stay with the neighbors’ chickens. One turned out to be a rooster and was moved elsewhere, and the other, a bantam, they wanted to keep themselves. In October 2020, they decided to move their flock to some land they had a few miles away and I agreed to have them take my last one so she’d have company. (And boy, did I miss her.) Just this month, they offered to bring her back, along with her best friend who was getting picked on by their rooster, plus they’d give me their old coop. I couldn’t pass it up even tho I was worried about having sole responsibility for the 2, since there would be no coop next door anymore where they would be under someone else’s care. I have read up a bunch on the basics of care, coops, feed, safety, etc. so feel fairly secure, but know there’s a lot I don’t know (and can’t know after only a few years). I really depend on all the chicken knowledge and chicken-keepers with experience out there. Now I’ve had the 2 chickens (the one I knew and the one I didn’t) for about 2 weeks and things are going well. I thought it was time to formally introduce myself and say hello! I am really glad to know about this forum since I don’t want to do this alone with my limited knowledge. I look forward to hearing about others’ experiences and advice and being part of this community. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to continue to keep chickens in a healthy environment by myself for awhile without any disasters. Thanks for listening!
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