
  1. FloridaChook

    New to the BYC coop!!

    Hello all!! I decided to make an account when it's darker since, that's the best time to add new chooks 😋 I live in North Florida with my 16 chicks!! always wanted some chcikens and I finally have them. I currently have 6 Jersey Giants, 3 ISA browns, 2 Cream legbars, 2 Bluebells, 1 French Black...
  2. FreddyFingers90

    New member introduction

    Hi everyone! My name is Sath and I am new to BackYard chickens. My wife and I have had chickens for around 1 and a half years now and are still learning something new every day! We have eight chickens, most of which are hybrids. Though we do have a Buff Sussex and a few Pekins. My favourite...
  3. GTHaze

    New to this here Coop

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New is relative lol and we are definitely new... But, we do have some friends who have been guiding us, so we feel confident on our feet at least. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 10. 1 Rooster (my profile pic)...
  4. B

    Newbie here

    Hello, I'm new to raising and owning chickens (hence why I joined the forum). My husband and I have fourteen chickens altogether, twelve are just over three months old and two we don't know as they were given to us by our neighbor last year. One of the adult hens, is (I believe) an Australorpe...
  5. A


    Hello, I am new to this community and wanted to introduce myself! My name is Alyssa! Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to having chickens, I’ve had them since I was about 5 years old! How many chickens do you have right now? As of right now, I have 2...
  6. D

    New mother hen

    Hi everyone! While I am not completely new to chickens, I am new to having my own. That being said I have 2 Americana, 1 silkie bantam, another bantam and 3 other "mixed bag" members. 10 guineas, which I got mainly for the pest control and they free range. 4 ducks. 2 pekin and 2 black...
  7. teachchickmi

    New Chicken Mama!

    Hello! I am a new chicken mama from Mid-Michigan! I have six 7 week old chicks who have started living outside in their big girl coop as of YESTERDAY. I am hoping that they are all hens because I am not able to have roosters according to my township ordinances. I have 2 Isa Browns, 2 Silver...
  8. GlicksChicks

    May's Introduction!

    Hello everyone! My name is May. I have been keeping chickens for roughly 2 years, but the oldest in my current flock I have had for almost 1. Right now I have 11 adult chickens (Around 1 year), 18 one month old chicks, and 19 newly hatched chicks (Hatched 4/10/24). In my adult flock I...
  9. G

    Intro Post

    Hi all! I'm very new to chickens. I live on 3/4 of an acre in Georgia and we have 4 chickens. Two are buff orpingtons and the other two are leghorns. The orpingtons names are Gladys and Gerdy and the leghorns are Grams and Glenda. I also have two dogs and a cat that have had some interactions...
  10. CosmosEclipse

    Tips, anyone?

    Does anybody have tips on how to hatch eggs or just useful information that I might need? If you do, please say, as I'm new to raising chickens. I also have pets I need to teach to not try to eat the chicks/eggs. 1. An older, gentle black cat. 2. An excitable rottweiler. 3. A loving...
  11. CosmosEclipse

    I've joined the community!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm new to chickens, but currently I have some eggs I am hoping to hatch, with help from you guys! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Well, none currently, but I have twelve eggs! (3) What breeds do you have? I have silky...
  12. Tiffany Wikk

    Howdy! I'm new!

    Q. Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? A. This is my first time owning and raising chickens. They hatched July 19th, 2023 and we received them two days later. Q. How many chickens do you have right now? A. We ordered 10 but ended up with 12. All of them survived and we...
  13. S

    New to chickens and new to group

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes. Got them almost 2 weeks ago. 6 baby orphington chicks (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Orphington (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? I love farm animals...
  14. vempst

    day 1 baby chick hatched from egg in incubator seems distressed

    i recently tried incubating some chicken eggs, and so far have had only 1 egg remain fertile and hatch properly, and the hatch went amazing and he seems extremely happy and healthy, but he is alone and seems a little bit in distress. i have his water, mash, and heating pad for him, yet he keeps...
  15. BackyardBurtons

    Hi! New to Backyard Homestead & Community

    Hi there, We’re newish to backyard chickens. We got our hens as chicks this past spring and now they are happily laying. We have two isa browns and two leghorns. Four provide more than enough eggs than our family of two (soon to be three!) can eat. We love being able to share the abundance with...
  16. Papaye

    Hello from France! I'm new here!

    Hello, people! I... don't know if I'm doing that right : never in my life have I posted on a forum before... I don't know how to do that right, so I hope for your leniency if I am doing something wrong. Thank you! ...So... I'm from France. Hi! I am the happy owner of chickens and ducks! They...
  17. CedarCreekFarmhouse

    The Coffee Tastes Funny

    Hi, I'm Crystal. This is my first post on the Backyard Chickens board, but I've been lurking for about a year. I cannot tell you guys how much you have taught me. We got our first little gals in September and I have raised them with the knowledge and help this forum has provided. I just wanted...
  18. G

    I'm knew

    Hi, I've been around chickens for along as I can remember. Currently, we have around 35 hens and one rooster. The breeds we have are; silver laced Sussex, Novagen brown and Jenks' color pack. I have a standard poodle and yes, while the French make them look like fashion models, they were and...
  19. G

    New to the forum!

    Hi Everyone, I am new here and new to chicken keeping. We have 10 Easter Eggers fro Mt Healthy Hatchery and 2 Silkies from a local breeder here in Southern California. We built our own coop from plans bought from Third Coast Craftsman from YouTube. Really excited to be here! First...
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