Hi I am Anastacia

Anastacia Selman

In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2023
Can anyone help me I have a mini flock of 2 hens one had the runny green poo and giving her dry toast crushed layers pellets a little natural yoghurt and few grains of porridge oats. they are both hungry and i sometimes dig up worms for them. the poopy one will eat and the other will just look on. I wash her dirty behind every second day but its not fair on the little girl. Help please.
Hello Anastacia, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Can you get a fecal float done on the hens? They may have an internal parasite load. How old are they? Have you checked to make sure the one with poopy butt has a full crop at night and an empty crop in the morning? Do they have grit and fresh water available at all times?
How much space do they have? How large is their coop? It sounds like you need more space for them and I would consider integrating 2 more birds to make a better sized flock.

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