Hi i'm new and i have an egg question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Hello I just joined backyard chickens today and I have a question about incubating eggs. I've been incubating some for 22 days now I heard chirping from them on day 19 along with some movement but now nothing and no sign of them breaking the shell should I be worried? If something is wrong what should I do this is my first time incubating eggs and I have no idea what to do.
You could also try "cheeping," at the eggs and see if that triggers movement or peeps. When the first one hatches their peeping inspires the others. Don't handle eggs too much, and if you keep opening the incubator, the humidity drops and they could become "shrink wrapped," which can cause them to be unable to get out of the shell.

Please read the "hatching chicks," thread in the BYC forum
The temperature has been 99.5 degrees F and thanks I'm going to do the float test I hope their ok

Welcome to BYC!

Has there been any pipping or egg rocking? Did you open all your vents wide open at lockdown? Up your humidity to 65% or 70%? Both of these are very important to hatching.

Keep us posted on the float test and I am hoping for a good hatch for you!
Thanks for the help everyone sadly only a few eggs had developed and when I checked them they were dead :( three died trying to get out of the shell
I'm sorry about that. :(

I had bad luck last year when I was trying to hatch geese eggs. But after failing more then 4 times I finally managed to hatch 7 this year. Just keep trying and you'll have the same luck! Remember to keep the humidity high!
What kind of poultry do you have? Indian Runner Duck eggs must be set at about 100/101 degrees (F).
The eggs were Easter eggers, Marans and Araucanas hopefully I can find more I was actually hatching them for my autistic sister my family keeps chickens because they relax her

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