Hi I'm Splash Down, what am I? I hang out with Nugget, Sparkle, & Blue


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
This is Splash Down, he got his name when he was younger because he would jump off the fence and almost always land in the duck pond. He is creamy white, bronze, green, and beautiful with almost green eyes.
I just wish I knew who the egg came from! He was a classroom hatch that stayed with me. He has a few green feathers in his tail that are like hi-lites and just beautiful. He is a lot paler than most of the others in his legs, comb, and wattles. Very hefty too, and big. Wonderful temperment and personality. Of course I think all my feathered kids are like that. They are so spoiled it's not even funny.
We have a rooster named nugget!! He was hatched with his leg folded backwards. DH was out of town and I couldn't kill him so I was waiting for him to expire on his own. He is two years old now LOL!!! He's just kind of the farm mascot, can't do much, ain't worth nothing. Oh yeah, pretty bird!

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