Hi , My name is Doreen and I bought a chicken coop to help my cat stay outside since he has RIV

Hi Doreen, welcome to BYC. Do you mean FIV?
If so, it isn't easily spread between indoor cats. It requires a deep bite, and can't be spread via a shared water or food bowl .
Yes I am sorry, it is FIV. He got into a fight with another outdoor cat and that is how he caught FIV. Our vet told us not to let our kitty outdoors unless he has a catio to go in while he is outside !!! I saw the chicken coops and thought one would be nice since since he is only 11 pounds but it looks small now that he has been in it !!!
Yes I am sorry, it is FIV. He got into a fight with another outdoor cat and that is how he caught FIV. Our vet told us not to let our kitty outdoors unless he has a catio to go in while he is outside !!! I saw the chicken coops and thought one would be nice since since he is only 11 pounds but it looks small now that he has been in it !!!
I feel your pain. Once they have a taste for the outdoors, it's so hard to keep them inside.

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