Hi my name is Rene and I started with some chicks my wife brought home from TSC. I built a tractor for them and I think we had about 6 birds. We have since moved and the new place has wood floor stalls for six horses. Well a 10x12 stall looked like a great place for chickens. So I cut a pop hole put up some wire and made a run. The birds we had loved it. Well we got down to two hens and Diddy doo the Roo. So my wife and decided we would order a mix of day olds this spring and we received our 30+2 chicks and got them going. So then for some silly reason I ordered 25 more. So we are in 2 10x12 stall and getting more eggs then we know what to do with. Lol we live in southern New Hampshire with around 60 birds. It's great fun and I love your site. Thank you!