Hi new here!


In the Brooder
May 11, 2015
Davidson, NC
hi we just got our first 7 chicks, we started out with 4 and lost one of our ameriucama sp?this morning, we have three 2 week olds that are 2 Easter Eggers and 1 ameriucama, and 2 4 week old RIR and 2 4 week barred rocks we got today
I'm glad you joined our community!

Congratulations on your new chicks! You chose some nice breeds to start out with. I'm sorry for your losses.
I've researched long and hard before choosing I've never raised chickens before so this is totally new
This is the coop hubby built, I know we are going to have to build a bigger one (we only intended 4 chickens) and we need to work on the run, I made a pvc tractor but honestly did a terrible job so we are going to have to figure something else out
Welcome, so glad you joined us. But so sorry about you loss.

Looks like your run and the window on the coop are chicken wire? I would recommend you get hardware cloth and fortify their home.

Good luck with all.
that is all my run is.Is chicken wire it is just temporary until I can get my new run built but most of the time my chickens are free range
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