Hi! New member from Mississippi!

Welcome to Backyard Chickens helping the clutch well best mostly hands off
I understand that, yes. It's currently day 26. I had one die because it pipped the bottom of the egg. If I had checked it instead of leaving it alone like I did, I would have two hatchlings instead of just one. . Two others were getting weak after being active yesterday (started checking them at day 24 when the others didn't hatch) so I made a small hole in each of the eggs at the end with the air pocket. They seemed to gain a little strength back after I made the small hole. Here's the link to the full post. Just too much to retype. .

Hi. I just come across this forum while looking for help with my clutch I'm trying to hatch. This is our first time having chickens.
My mom decided to buy a bunch of pullets and one silky bantam. These are about 6 months, roughly. The rooster started trying to crow about 6 weeks ago and is getting his tail feathers in. We were also given three white crested black Polish that were already of age, the two hens laying already.
So currently we have 15 chickens. One a developed rooster and at least one other that is adolescent. The 12 younger ones are about the same age, and I was told that if there were any more roosters they would have started crowing about the time the other did. So I suppose that's a good ratio of hen to rooster?
Anyway, I hope to meet Some great people and Learn more about the little critters lol they have grown on me. I even try to make sure to pick up and hold at least one every time I go to feed and water. Lol.
Anyway, nice to meet everyone!

:celebrate :welcome
Your incubator temps may have been on the low side, chicks generally hatch at 20-21 days of incubation.

I know one morning I found the light out and they were ice cold. That was the day I lost half the clutch. I thought I Had lost all of them, honestly. .

Also I dont think that lid being constantly held open by nosy people helped either. . No one would leave it closed and just cut the dial on the dimmer switch down to adjust the temp. . .
So. . . I decided to finally listen to my instincts that been telling me to help the little ones for the last two days. . . I should've listened sooner. . All but one that hadn't hatched died either mid internal pip or not pipped at all. . . And the last one I'm not sure going to make it either. But I read the assisted hatching article and followed as best I could and have it wrapped up in a damp cloth to keep the membrane from drying out. Here's to hoping on at least the last one!

Very upsetting. I hope for at least this last one. Don't want the other baby to grow up alone. . .
Thank you for the navigation video link. I'll definitely watch it later.

Update on the babies. . . The last one passed overnight. I'm very heartbroken.

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