Hi! Nice to meetcha!

Well hey there @chickenbritt5908 and nice to meetcha as well! :welcome

Firstly, we are so glad to have you here! It's good to see you are wanting to learn all you can to be a fruitful, responsible flock owner. You won't find a better, more helpful place to find tips and information for your flock than BYC (in my opinion- I've been able to save a few birds by looking here!)

What kind of chickens do you currently have, and what kind are you hoping to hatch?

By the way, don't fret being upset about a lost hen. I've cried for a beloved chicken or duck, even with an understanding that all things have their time. It just means you have compassion, and you are close to them!

Again, glad to have you and look forward to hearing more about your flock!

Currently I have 14. Two roosters; a Cream Legbar/Welsummer X rooster and an OEGB rooster. I have two Buff Orps, a Cuckoo Maran, a Barred Rock, an Ameraucana, a Bantam EE, a Production Blue, two New Hamps, and a Cream Legbar/Welsummer pullet, and two Prarie Bluebells. I'm interested in LF Cochins, Speckled Sussex, and a few more eye catching breeds. This is just my hobby and I love to watch them. The docile and friendly birds are definitely my favorite though, regardless of what they look like. I also love the idea of having a whole array of egg colors.

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