Hi There, everyone, from rural Ontario.


6 Years
Jun 26, 2013
I live just off of Lake Huron, in the beautiful bruce county. I have 24 laying hens that currently lay an average of 20 eggs a day, as well as another 30 rhode islands at 5 weeks old.
I have 16 turkeys, 18 ducks, and another 80 white rock meat birds.
I feed all my birds non-gmo foods. I was going to go completely organic, but have had a hard time with the feed prices.
My daughter, 7, and I do this together as a passion. She will just walk up, and pickup a bird with no hesitation. Warms my heart :)

Anyways, I'm wondering on how many nesting boxes would be my best bet for about 54 hens? I have a pretty darn big outdoor run that they range in.

Hi! I think the rule of thumb is 1 nest box for every 4 hens, so that would be 14 nest boxes I believe. You could do a wall of nest boxes, like in this thread 3rd post down: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/616356/nest-box-size

Welcome to BYC!

I'm already liking this community, that link just made my night! Thank you so very much, that's exactly what I'll do. :)

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