Hi there!! I'm CJ


In the Brooder
Oct 19, 2022
Central Coast California
Hi there!! I'm Carolyn (CJ) and I'm a new chicken mom. I have four chickens.... three are 7 weeks old & one is 6 weeks old. The 6 week old is a leghorn named Betty White & then there's what I think is an Australorp (Shirley), Barred Rock (LaVerne) & what I think is a Whiting True Green (Flo Castleberry)..... I'm not sure of Flo & Shirley's breed because apparently I clicked the "substitute" button for McMurray hatchery & didn't realize they won't tell you what the breeds are that you get. Since I'm now.... I've been doing a lot of research & think I got it figured out. I have a small urban backyard & a small basic Tractor supply coop..... I dream of a day when I can get more space & build a better coop (which is on the agenda for the future). I'd love to have some land & have a giant flock of birds!

So far my favorite aspects of raising chickens is how entertaining they are. I didn't realize how social they are & how much personality they are. I'm clearly raising them as pets (hence naming all of them! lol!)..... I will enjoy the eggs they bring someday... but so far they've paid their rent in entertainment! I love to sit out with them & just watch them scratch & run around exploring.

My other hobbies are gardening, hiking, camping, paddle boarding (attempting to surf), crafting, sewing.

I have a husband who was initially lukewarm on the chicken idea.... but now I catch him sitting out with them by himself reading his book & enjoying their company. They LOVE him & we've dubbed him "Chicken King"!

I have 2 dogs.... Violet & Kuma. Kuma ignores the chickens but Violet has trying to herd them in a not so nice way (she's a heeler).... and we're working on that!

I luckily found this community when I was doing a ton of research about raising chickens & these forums always came up at the top of the list when I googled stuff. I've learned just to come here & search what I want to know more about.

Looking forward to learning so much from y'all!
Hi there!! I'm Carolyn (CJ) and I'm a new chicken mom. I have four chickens.... three are 7 weeks old & one is 6 weeks old. The 6 week old is a leghorn named Betty White & then there's what I think is an Australorp (Shirley), Barred Rock (LaVerne) & what I think is a Whiting True Green (Flo Castleberry)..... I'm not sure of Flo & Shirley's breed because apparently I clicked the "substitute" button for McMurray hatchery & didn't realize they won't tell you what the breeds are that you get. Since I'm now.... I've been doing a lot of research & think I got it figured out. I have a small urban backyard & a small basic Tractor supply coop..... I dream of a day when I can get more space & build a better coop (which is on the agenda for the future). I'd love to have some land & have a giant flock of birds!

So far my favorite aspects of raising chickens is how entertaining they are. I didn't realize how social they are & how much personality they are. I'm clearly raising them as pets (hence naming all of them! lol!)..... I will enjoy the eggs they bring someday... but so far they've paid their rent in entertainment! I love to sit out with them & just watch them scratch & run around exploring.

My other hobbies are gardening, hiking, camping, paddle boarding (attempting to surf), crafting, sewing.

I have a husband who was initially lukewarm on the chicken idea.... but now I catch him sitting out with them by himself reading his book & enjoying their company. They LOVE him & we've dubbed him "Chicken King"!

I have 2 dogs.... Violet & Kuma. Kuma ignores the chickens but Violet has trying to herd them in a not so nice way (she's a heeler).... and we're working on that!

I luckily found this community when I was doing a ton of research about raising chickens & these forums always came up at the top of the list when I googled stuff. I've learned just to come here & search what I want to know more about.

Looking forward to learning so much from y'all!
Welcome to BYC!!

I agree, chickens are entertaining!

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