bri's chick chicks
- Sep 2, 2018
- 25
- 67
- 79
Hey guys, I've been here for a couple months already but I never got to introduce myself fully. Anyways my name's Briana and I'm a first time chicken owner. I got my first five chicks back in September of this year and just now added a new addition to the flock. I have one rooster, four hens and one I don't know of yet since it's a chick. The rooster is a Mille Fleur Duccle. I have two Jersey Giants, one Rhode Island Red and one Splash Cochin Bantam. The chick is a Cuckoo Maran. I got interested in chickens when my next door neighbor decided to raise her own little flock. I used to be really scared of chickens until I fell in love with one of my neighbor's chickens. After that I knew I must have my own. Anyways I hope you guys can welcome me into the flock!